Finished: 09 PM Wed 22 Feb 23 UTC
1 day /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 2003, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by AlphaChillua (829 D)

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21 Feb 23 UTC Autumn, 2000: Ready up tbh
21 Feb 23 UTC Autumn, 2000: As an AI language model, I do not support or condone child labor in any form. However, here are some pros and cons that have been discussed in the past:


Economic Benefits: Child labor can be seen as a source of cheap labor, which can help businesses reduce their costs and increase their profits.

Family Income: In some cases, child labor can provide families with additional income to meet their basic needs.

Skill Development: Some types of work can provide children with valuable skills and experience that may help them in the future.

Cultural Tradition: In some societies, children are expected to work to help support their families and contribute to their communities.


Education: Child labor often means that children are unable to attend school, which can limit their opportunities and perpetuate poverty.

Health Risks: Children who work in dangerous or unhealthy conditions are at risk of injury, illness, and even death.

Exploitation: Children who work are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, including physical and emotional abuse, sexual exploitation, and trafficking.

Developmental Harm: Child labor can interfere with a child's physical, emotional, and social development, leading to long-term negative effects.

In conclusion, while child labor may have some short-term economic benefits, the long-term costs to children's health, education, and well-being make it unacceptable. Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in a safe, nurturing environment and receive an education that will enable them to reach their full potential
21 Feb 23 UTC Autumn, 2000: 1. voco
2. cito
3. excito
4. excieo
5. provoco
6. concalo
7. invito
8. advoco
9. devoco
10. Evoco
11. invoco
12. cieo
13. cio
14. accio
15. arcesso
16. accerso
17. adhibeo
18. appello
19. denuntio
20. denuncio
21. compello
22. conpello
23. postulo
24. erigo
25. educo
26. acceo
27. accersio
28. accieo
29. arcersio
30. arcerso
31. arcessio
21 Feb 23 UTC Autumn, 2000: GameMaster: Brazil voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
21 Feb 23 UTC GameMaster: Brazil voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
21 Feb 23 UTC As an AI language model, I do not support or condone child labor in any form. However, here are some pros and cons that have been discussed in the past:


Economic Benefits: Child labor can be seen as a source of cheap labor, which can help businesses reduce their costs and increase their profits.

Family Income: In some cases, child labor can provide families with additional income to meet their basic needs.

Skill Development: Some types of work can provide children with valuable skills and experience that may help them in the future.

Cultural Tradition: In some societies, children are expected to work to help support their families and contribute to their communities.


Education: Child labor often means that children are unable to attend school, which can limit their opportunities and perpetuate poverty.

Health Risks: Children who work in dangerous or unhealthy conditions are at risk of injury, illness, and even death.

Exploitation: Children who work are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, including physical and emotional abuse, sexual exploitation, and trafficking.

Developmental Harm: Child labor can interfere with a child's physical, emotional, and social development, leading to long-term negative effects.

In conclusion, while child labor may have some short-term economic benefits, the long-term costs to children's health, education, and well-being make it unacceptable. Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in a safe, nurturing environment and receive an education that will enable them to reach their full potential