Private Wars of the Orient
1 day /phase
Unrated - Spring, 1501, 14 players (of 14) missing.
East Indies, Unranked
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 3 turn(s)
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: Enriador (1507 D).
First playtest of the 'East Indies' variant.

12 Feb 23 UTC GameMaster: Game was drawn due to at all remaining members failing to enter orders.
12 Feb 23 UTC GameMaster: Game was drawn due to at all remaining members failing to enter orders.
12 Feb 23 UTC GameMaster: Game was drawn due to at all remaining members failing to enter orders.
12 Feb 23 UTC GameMaster: Game was drawn due to at all remaining members failing to enter orders.
19 Feb 23 UTC GameMaster: Game was drawn due to at all remaining members failing to enter orders.
03 Jun 24 UTC GameMaster: Game was drawn due to at all remaining members failing to enter orders.
NoMoves Toggle moves
Big map