Finished: 12 AM Tue 18 Oct 22 UTC
Private Captain's Marauders vs Nova Corps
1 day /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1905, Finished
3 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by Capno (985 D)

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13 Oct 22 UTC Spring, 1903: I made a massive mistake lol. I didn't realize you can only have 1 army at each spot so I just....didn't build my first turn LMAO
13 Oct 22 UTC Spring, 1903: Oh lol XD sorry for not explaining, I also forgot to explain that you can convoy with multiple fleets. For example, assume you have fleets in the Norwegian Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and Mid-Atlantic Ocean. If you have an army on Norway, you can use all three fleets to convoy that army to Portugal, Spain, or Gascony. However, another thing about convoys, if any of the fleets used for convoying is attacked, the convoy does not go through.