Finished: 03 PM Fri 09 Jun 23 UTC
Private 3040919
1 day /phase
Unrated - Spring, 1905, Finished
4 excused NMR / regain after 1 turn(s) / extend always
Game drawn

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19 Sep 22 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
19 Sep 22 UTC Spring, 1901: Info: This is a choose your country game.
19 Sep 22 UTC GameMaster: Italy voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
10 Jan 23 UTC GameMaster: Italy voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
12 May 23 UTC gopher27 (Moderator): Greetings all,

In two weeks, if this game has not been un-Paused, the Mod Team will be taking action to Draw it, so as to clean up the site in a semi-systematic manner. If you need a forced un-Pause or there are special circumstances involved in this particular game, please post a message on the Mod Forum for additional assistance.

The Mod Team