Finished: 12 AM Fri 27 Nov 20 UTC
Private Balkan Brouhaha
1 day /phase
Pot: 35 D - Autumn, 1917, Finished
Classic, Anon, WTA, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game drawn

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02 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
02 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1901: Info: This is a choose your country game.
02 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: France voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Spring, 1902" the votes will be cleared.
02 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Russia / England / France / Italy / Germany)
03 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1901: Nations of Europe,

I am presently leaving my chambers to appreciate some fine Austrian lagers. As such, I will find myself of a disposition most unsuitable to high statecraft. Thus, any further entreaties received from now will unaffect Austrian plans for the Spring season.

For emergencies, please contact

Franz Joseph I.
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Salutations to the Ministers, Heads of State of Europe,

I am disappointed to say that fighting broke out early last month on the Venezia Trieste border. Austrian troops attempted to cross the border en mass. Thankfully Venezia's border garrison repulsed them, but these aggressive moves cannot be ignored.

I now call upon the European community to denounce these aggressive actions.

May we move on in peace.

Distinti saluti,
I Ministero Degli Esteri Italiano
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Merhaba, nōble leaders of Eürop,

Î have no quařrel with either of your nations, and it would be a pity to see the picturesque coast of Věnezia turn to a hellish wąrsçape.

We hope this move was a stray vešşel from our Ăustrian neighbours, and not an act of war. Hopefully communication can deescalate the tense situation.

Aleyküm Selam,
Büyük Türk sultanı
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Bonjour mes amies Européens,

It is with a heavy heart that I read the news of conflict on the Venice-Trieste border. I would like to add the voice of France to the calls for peace between the great nations of Austria-Hungary and Italy.
As tensions grow in this age of uncertainty we must work ever harder to avoid open battle in Europe and preserve the fragile peace we have enjoyed for many years.

Je vous prie de croire, Messierus, à l'assurance de mes salutations distinguées.
Émile Loubet,
Président de La Troisième République
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Здравствуйте,

the rumblings in the West have woken the Great Bear from his slumbers and it is with a worried gaze that I see such unrest among on the Venice-Trieste border. I would ask that all parties involved reach a truce on these matters and seek friendship, not conflict.

Also our military movements into the Ukraine are simply to perform some practise drills in the region. There is no panic or civil unrest, regardless of what any false reports may say. Please ignore any radiation detections from the region also, as this is simply a practise run of our giant microwave.

Мир вам всем
великий царь россии
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Leaders of all great nations! We must not allow war to destroy our beloved continent. I strongly urge both the Italian and Austrian nations to arrest their quarrels posthaste! Only loss can come from such conflict. His Majesty's Government will do its best to ensure an Austro-Italian peace.

04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Guten Abend mein exulted leaders of Europe,

The recent tensions in the Venice have the German peoples concerned. Our Austrian neighbors have not been communicating well with the Reichstag. I do hope they come to their senses and reply. We are sure that friendship and peace can be brokered.

p.s. Was ist ein Microwave?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: People of Europe,

I thank you all for your support against the aggression of Austria.

Unfortunately they have shown little inclination to make things right. They have proposed an alliance, which makes no sense and which Italy has no interest in.

Italy has formally requested that Trieste be demilitarised. I invite the international community to watch their response to this request.

Distinti saluti,
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Leaders of Europe,

I would prefer (as we all should) to keep substantial discussions in this game to bilateral talks, but the sheer volume of outrage in response to our border incursion requires public response.

Austria welcomes the international community's pleas for peace. We have listened, and can publically commit to no further attacks on the Austrian-Italian border. We await a simlar committment from the Italians.

On the recent Italian pronouncements in this forum, I find these amateur dramatics on the world stage to be most unstatesmanlike. He speaks of "no sense" and yet thinks that leaking details of confidential discussions will somehow persuade me to leave Trieste. Discussions, might I add, that offered the very peace he professes to want. He also made no mention of reatreating from Venice in this very one-sided "demilitarisation".

Rallying the international community to monitor my own empire is also a rather bizzare strategy, and perhaps one 100 years ahead of its time.

I say to the other nations, be cautious dealing with an Italy that reacts in this way when faced with outcomes they do not like. Your discussions with them are not private, for that is the sad precedent that has been set today.

Franz Josef I.
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Men of Europe,

'Outcomes they do not like' is a pitiful diminution of the many Italian lives lost over the past weeks. It is unclear why Austria fears open negotiation, one can only infer they hope to pull the wool over the eyes of Europe.

It is surprising to see such vitriol from Austria, and to hear them so defensive over a unilateral assault on fair Venezia's lands. To refer to the lives of our brave soldiers as 'a game' is more worrying still.

Italy has been open with our intentions in all communications, and now we shall be open again: Italy will defend our lands.

On behalf of the people of Italy, and on the behalf of myself, I thank the international community for their support up until this point. I am sure that we can rely upon your support in the future.

Distinti saluti,
I Ministero Degli Esteri Italiano
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Prime minister,

Alas, Franz is set in his ways it seems to alienate himself from the leaders of Europe. I do believe reparations are in order for you. We can abolish the DMZ and Tyrolia may be taken by you if you so wish.

I on the other hand am going to move my soldiers to Bohemia on a peace keeping mission. I will see no pleasure in it. The Austrian and German peoples have always been so close in culture and in nature until very recently and I wish to see an end to the hostilities.

Do keep well mein freund,

04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: It appears you said the quiet part out loud, Wilhelm.

To be clear, Austria does not consent to any foreign troops on its territories. Any such incursions, under the pretence of "peacekeeping" or otherwise, will be seen as an offensive action, against which we will defend ourselves.

Franz Josef I.
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: People of Europe.

When the world stage sees an attempted genocide, barely held back by force of arms, we must ask ourselves: what will I do when they come for me? Austria comes now for the people of Venice. The streets of Budapest run red with the blood of Italian expatriates. The owners of a pizza restaurant in Tyrolia were decapitated by the police in the city Square.

To ensure the survival of the Italian people, we unite with Germany and the forces for peace in this world, to take down Austria's corrupt fascist leaders, and hold free elections. I hope only that the cost of peace is not too high.

Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Giuseppe Sarraco
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Western Friends,

The announcement of military action so brazenly strewn across the public realm is very worrying indeed. Peacekeeping or otherwise.

We hope a truce be reached in a hasty manner, for the safety of all citizens of Eûrōp.

Selam Aleyküm,
Türk sultanı
04 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Leaders of Europe,

While I do not condone an invasion into sovereign territory, it must also be brought to the attention of all that while the military incursion into Venice occured last Spring, it was ultimately a failure. No loss of land or power has resulted from this interaction, and so I must say that a doubled-down assault on Austrian soil is, from the perspective of the British Empire, seemingly unjust at this time.

His Majesty's Government,
10 Downing St.,
06 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1902: Chers Messieurs d'Europe,

At 23:30 CEST this evening France has given the order to mobalise troops to her Eastern borders. This is in breach of carefully negotiated demilatirised zones with both Germany and Italy. We do this in a show of solidarity with Austria-Hungary who, although instigated violence, faces continued onslaught from these two nations.
Should Italy and Germany agree to cease military operations and withdraw from A-H, France will withdraw from the DMZ. Otherwise we may be forced to take further action.
Je vous prie de croire, Messieurs, à l'assurance de mes salutations distinguées.
Émile Loubet,
Président de La Troisième République.