Finished: 09 PM Mon 25 Feb 19 UTC
Weird Western Front FvA
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by cjuric (1771 D)

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25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1901: Did you take a look at the openings?
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: Yeah, it makes things definitely a little easier to understand.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: It would seem so. Now the slight advantage I have here is my fleet moves in the north while yours has to hold on Venice until the fall to capture it.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: Your key here is getting something to Scandinavia. Probably Gal->War->Mos->StP is the easiest way. You can't build fleets in the north and StP can be hit by 4 units from the north if I have the fleets. To truly secure that position, you need to get an army into Nor/Swe.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: My big decision is how much to contest the Mediterranean or Germany. But since you didn't open towards Greece, I'm less pressured to build a fleet in the Med.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: From what I was reading StP and berlin are usually highly contested regions. How do you decide where to build armies? The order system doesn't seem straightforward, like which orders are completed first.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1901: For instance if a division is moving out of a supply center state, can you build an army there in the same turn?
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1902: It gives you all the centers that are open for a build but you only have 2 builds. So put them in the spots you want.
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1902: If a division leaves a supply center in the fall, you can build there in the winter.
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1902: You'll have a decision to make in the fall of Munich or Venice or Naples. I'd suggest you keep moving your fleet forward and defend with the army. You can also guarantee Munich with a supported attack from Boh but then Marseilles gets into Italy. Budapest can go to Germany but it won't take a center this turn. You could also go to Rum->Sev, closer to reinforce Scandinavia and takes a SC but slower tempo.
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1902: You have to consider your 18 SCs(17-17 draw, 18 to win). Russia (4) Austria (3) Italy (3) Balkans (4) Turkey (3) is 17 (and that assumes you can hold StP). So where's the natural winning centers if you hold that line? Berlin, Munich, Tunis (and maybe Norway)
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1902: If you get Munich and Berlin, you can lose StP or an Italian center. If you secure Nor and Swe, you can lose Nap and Rom. But all those are a bit further away (i.e. Vienna to Sweden is 6 turns).

I have the issue with when should I take Lvp/Por/Edi; I need to get my units to the front as fast as possible. You can't commit to taking Turkey if I'm getting into Italy. These games can stalemate at less than 17-17 because we both need 12 units to hold the front and can't spare one to take a back center.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1902: Ok, I like that bounce from Boh and shift to the south. If you moved Venice in the spring, we'd both be tied at 8. At the same time, I need to push this advantage to win. I can't convoy armies into Scandinavia but I can bounce you in StP and go for Berlin. If I were you, I would have skipped Moscow and Rumania, StP and Sev are more important and closer to the front.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1902: I needed two turns to get from Warsaw to StP either way so I figured to pic up an SC at the same time rather than through Livonia. Optimally what I'm trying to go for is building an army in Warsaw and then moving West to engage on the Berlin or Munich fronts. Not sure if that's a good strat with the game mechanics but we'll have to see.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1902: As it turns out I can't build an army at warsaw, not sure why.
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1903: Warsaw isn't one of your home centers so you can't build there. In some variants, particularly the larger maps, they allow builds on captured SCs. Classic, you can only build at home. That's why it's so hard for Austria to get a northern fleet. Has to go through MAO. That's why it's so important to keep your units moving forward. Note how I skipped Holland to take Kiel.
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1903: I get how it's important to open up the front, but wouldn't taking the SC at holland be a good move to keep a defensive line?
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1904: I've got a slight edge on units and SCs at the moment, I'm pushing for position. Berlin is much harder to take later on. You may wonder why I take Silesia instead of defending Munich - again, it comes down to tempo. That unit now threatens Warsaw so I get either that or StP. It can also block moves to Galicia. Galicia is a super important territory because it borders 7 territories including 4 SCs.
25 Feb 19 UTC Spring, 1904: Like I said, 1v1 strategy is way different. Normally you would want a solid line and overextending like I'm doing is risky. England could stab me in the back if they were a player. Same with Turkey attacking you. Alliances are super important in everything except 1v1s (the game is called Diplomacy!)
25 Feb 19 UTC Autumn, 1904: Also, consider my path to 18 here. France (3) England (3) Low Countries + Iberia (4) Scandy (3) is 13. + Tunis/StP and Italy or Germany is 17. I need both Tunis and StP and 3 centers in Italy and Germany.