Finished: 08 PM Sat 16 Jul 11 UTC
Private vdip cup 13 - Devonian vs President Eden
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1909, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Devonian (1887 D)

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07 Jul 11 UTC Spring, 1902: I cant play live, right now, but this is a good start.
07 Jul 11 UTC Spring, 1902: That's fine. I had hoped to go shower soon anyhow, so we can stop here/after this turn adjudicates if you want.
09 Jul 11 UTC Autumn, 1905: too... many... fleets...
10 Jul 11 UTC Autumn, 1906: I almost wish I had done GvI -- less balance, but at least I know the map and have an idea of the strategies to employ. You can see just how bad I am on variant maps by comparison. I think you're going to take the series... this game for certain. At least I've learned something from what you've done here -- from the looks of it, delaying the first year third build for a much stronger 1902 build phase paid a huge dividend, and the use of fleets to aggressively pursue the edges put me on the defensive and canceled the advantage my army-laden forces would have had in the center otherwise.
10 Jul 11 UTC Autumn, 1906: I agree with delaying the first year build, but partially disagree with the fleet idea. The thing I like about this map is that you can try different strategies. On both maps, I am stronger on the sides, but you are pushing through in the middle. But, I did that because most players on this map completely ignore fleets, like you did, and it gave me the advantage. I think it really just takes the right balance at the right time. If you had just sent 1 fleet up each side, it would have really stopped me and given more time to push up the middle.

The other thing I like is that there are 9 different paths of attack. 2 water on each side, 2 land on each side, and one up the middle. This allows for a large number of strategy variations, and it allows for lead swings, unlike any of the other 2 player variants.
13 Jul 11 UTC Spring, 1908: Hey, you know that point where you realize just how hopelessly outflanked you are?

13 Jul 11 UTC Autumn, 1908: Yep. I wasn't sure I was going to hold the middle with my emphasis on the flanks, but it looks like I might.
15 Jul 11 UTC Spring, 1909: Same story: overrun to the right, nothing I can do elsewhere to mitigate it.