Finished: 06 PM Tue 18 Mar 14 UTC
Private Diplomacy Sciences Po
1 day /phase
Pot: 80 D - Autumn, 1948, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Frenchguy (1244 D)

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13 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
15 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: Info: This is a choose your country game.
16 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: GameMaster: Germany voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
16 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: sorry guys i by mistake hit the draw button
16 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: To the other leaders of the Continent of Europe,

In order to further solidify the glory of the Roman Empire, its armies shall move into the rebellious provinces of Greece and depose the false Emperor, who claims to be our father's favored heir. The Patriarch has already anointed His Highness with the crown in the Basilica Hagia Sophia, so the usurping knave deserves nothing more than a traitor's death!

Glory to the Empire! May its reign be eternal and just.

His Imperial Highness, Emperor of the Romans, Syriacs, Armenians, Turks, Greeks, and whoever else may find themselves within his borders,
Porphyrogenitus, Heir of Augustus, Scion of the Komnenoi, Defender of the Orthodox Faith

His Illustrious Majesty, Basilieus Alexios II Komnenos
16 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: ^ Sure Germany, why don't we draw now? Peaceful settlement of disputes. Martina would be so proud. ;)
16 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1939: Germany is a peaceful country. Germany never started any war nor is it going to start any war except for the purpose of self defense with consent of the UN Security council. Thats why it suggested a draw.
17 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1939: To the other leaders of the Continent of Europe,

Despite the Roman Army's complete victory in Greece, the treacherous Usurper has managed to flee to Crete. At this very moment, the fastest boats in the Imperial Navy fly to overtake his ships and hopefully capture him alive, as a death at sea would be too glorious for an animal as base as he. May God mete out the Traitor's inevitable punishment as justly and as cruelly as he see fits.

This shall not be the only movement of Imperial Troops, however, as our ancient enemies in the East and the West must face the strength of Roman hammer, which shall beat upon their weak bodies, smashing them to infinitesimally small pieces. Our armies shall then plant the Double Eagle Standard upon the corpses of the vanquished, showing the world the strength of Roman Arms.

We must, however, demand answers from Premier Vatka, as the vast armies of the Soviet Union seem to be converging upon the borders of the Empire. Though not afraid of battle, we question his intentions. Are they that of a friend or a foe? Does he move to take Tehran? We must know before any actions are undertaken or any decisions made. For, if he acts as a foe, God shall smite him through the sword that is the Roman army.

For the Empire! May its reign be eternal and glorious.

His Imperial Highness, Emperor of the Romans, Syriacs, Armenians, Turks, Greeks, and whomever else may find themselves within his borders,
Porphyrogenitus, Heir of Augustus, Scion of the Komnenoi, Defender of the Orthodox Faith

His Illustrious Majesty, Basilieus Alexios II Komnenos
17 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1939: GameMaster: Poland voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
17 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1939: GameMaster: Poland voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
17 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1939: GameMaster: Turkey voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
19 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1940: To all the leaders of the European continent,
The French Republic wants to react to the sudden attack of Germany and points out that it was a treacherous attack which is also in contradiction with Germany's previous statements: "Germany is a peaceful country. Germany never started any war nor is it going to start any war except for the purpose of self defense with consent of the UN Security council."
France will not forget the attack of Belgium; if Germany wants war, it will have it !
19 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: To all the honorable leaders of the European continent and above.
You do not have to fear the German Empire, we are a partner and friend to many of you. We are taking measures necessary to prevent an upcoming threat against our population, expressed by the huge number of enemy armies facing our western border. This is a preventive strike. Furthermore we base our claims of the western territories in the fact that we are the inherents of Karl the Great and that these land are righfully ours. We will recreate law, order and efficiency for the sake prosperirty on the whole continent.
20 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: Sipping Henessy, Riding on my Mo******in enemies!
20 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: To the other leaders of the Continent of Europe,

After being treacherously attacked by the English dogs in our home province of Adana, our armies quickly moved behind them, and managed to take back Baghdad. That land had been lost to our empire for generations and its return signifies a rebirth, like a true Phoenix rising from its own ashes. It is truly a glorious day for the Empire!

Next, we will free our brethren in Syria from the English yoke, and restore the Patriarch of Antioch to his rightful status among the faithful. From there, we shall pray to God, and decide what to do next.

Deus Veult!
Glory to the Empire! May its reign be eternal and just.

His Imperial Highness, Emperor of the Romans, Syriacs, Armenians, Turks, Greeks, Bulgarians, Arabs, Caucasians, and whoever else may find themselves within his borders,
Porphyrogenitus, Heir of Augustus, Scion of the Komnenoi, Defender of the Orthodox Faith

His Illustrious Majesty, Basilieus Alexios II Komnenos
21 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: To the other leaders of the Continent of Europe,

After being treacherously attacked by the English dogs in our home province of Adana, our armies quickly moved behind them, and managed to take back Baghdad. That land had been lost to our empire for generations and its return signifies a rebirth, like a true Phoenix rising from its own ashes. It is truly a glorious day for the Empire!

Next, we will free our brethren in Syria from the English yoke, and restore the Patriarch of Antioch to his rightful status among the faithful. From there, we shall pray to God, and decide what to do next.

Deus Veult!
Glory to the Empire! May its reign be eternal and just.

His Imperial Highness, Emperor of the Romans, Syriacs, Armenians, Turks, Greeks, Bulgarians, Arabs, Caucasians, and whoever else may find themselves within his borders,
Porphyrogenitus, Heir of Augustus, Scion of the Komnenoi, Defender of the Orthodox Faith

His Illustrious Majesty, Basilieus Alexios II Komnenos
21 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: GameMaster: USSR voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
21 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: GameMaster: USSR voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
21 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1940: Clicked on cancel by accident.
24 Feb 14 UTC Autumn, 1941: His Illustrious Majesty, Basilieus Alexios II Komnenos can go F***K himself