Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for somebody909 (1042 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
40453 Political Economic Social Tech Legal Environmental Sengoku5 Drawn 58 1058
40647 -3s in the off diagonal Colonial Survived -27 1031
40939 Trucker's Delight ClassicFog Defeated -34 997
41100 Only to be sold as part of a multipack SouthAmerica8 Survived -37 960
41193 crunchy and extraordinarily tasty Grain Waves Empire4 Defeated -17 943
42904 Work is expected to last throughout the week. Africa Drawn 6 949
44491 Daz Professional MateAgainstMate Drawn 5 954
46476 BROTHERS WILD FRUIT Classic Drawn 45 999
46470 Africa-19 Africa -23 976
49228 Phat Trien Dong Co Chan Nuoi Balkans1860 Drawn 48 1024
59347 Race for gold SouthAmerica4 Won 18 1042