A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
15 May 13 UTC
The "Gunboat Has No Diplomacy" Thread
(Split out from the ranking thread)

Between here, webDip, and SpanishDip, I play a lot of full press, and a lot of gunboat games. In full press, there are people who might as well be playing gunboat, yes? For the rest of us, there are many degrees of communication that happen. Some are more talkative than others, and more effective at it. I don't think any reasonable gunboater will argue against the fact that full press offers much greater ability to communicate. Rather, the argument is that there is far greater potential for communication in gunboat than many people realize. It requires a great deal of attention, and deciphering signals can be a fascinating challenge. As is devising ways to deliver signals beyond the obvious supports.

To say that gunboat involves communication on the level of full press is simply incorrect; however, to say that gunboat does not involve a substantive degree of diplomacy and communication is also incorrect. It may take several games to gain a full picture of this, and it also requires players that know how to play gunboat beyond entering orders. It only takes a couple of "blind" players fumbling through a gunboat game to disrupt any chance of developing subtle and effective communication.

I'd love to hear the thoughts of some more experienced gunboat players, as this is an argument I've seen several times and I think it warrants some discussion and debate.

Also, I will happily start an ongoing gunboat series for players who know how to conduct gunboat diplomacy as well as those who are interested in learning more.
General Cool (978 D)
15 May 13 UTC
I really like gunboats for the fact that I can make my moves quickly and everyone readies up quickly. I like that the games also finish much more quickly. The only problem that I have is the worse chance of winning because I can't chat. I still really like them and the interesting form of communication they have.
jimgov (968 D)
15 May 13 UTC
@Dr. Rec - I completely agree. I just think that most people try it once, have a bad experience, an call it a day. It is much better than most people think.
Agreed, jimgov. It took several games for me - and a few occurrences of post-game PMs from players lamenting all their signals that I missed - before I felt like I really had a good understanding of how good gunboaters play.

General, that is also the main reason I started playing gunboats regularly. I can only commit to so many full press games before my quality starts to suffer. Sadly, I'm still trying to find the right balance ;) I find that I like to be able to play more games, and so I always have several gunboats going that require far less time commitment. As you say, the inability to send messages means I lose my best tool. I'm reliant on the other players being able to spot and interpret my signals (which is why the player quality is important). This almost caused me to stop playing gunboat after a few early defeats, but I'm glad I stuck with it and have learned how to communicate better.
Devonian (1887 D)
15 May 13 UTC
I also play gunboat and enjoy them. I understand the need to attempt to communicate messages through movements. But, that is all they are. They are "attempts" to communicate messages.

The definition of diplomacy is "the conduct by government officials of 'negotiations' and other relations between nations."
The definition of negotiations is "mutual 'discussion' and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement"

So, by definition, diplomacy requires discussion, not just actions.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
15 May 13 UTC
I am not a very experienced Gunboat player and would love some practice and tips if you were to ever get a series going.
General Cool (978 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Yes, I would play this series too, I forgot to add that. Probably not this summer though,
i'm going to be gone quite a bit.
I will give a little bit of thought to this series idea, but what I'm generally thinking about doesn't really need to be formal or structured really in any way, beyond the prior agreement by all players that it is to be a quality gunboat game, with a focus on awareness of communication signals - as opposed to playing as though against the computer. That's the fundamental difference in styles.

Devonian, I understand your point, and I would like to expand upon it, using as you suggest the definition:

"the conduct by government officials of negotiations and other relations between nations."

It seems to me that perhaps you focused more on "negotiations" than on "other relations" - I won't bother copying the definition of "relations" here, but I will argue that other relations exist in a gunboat game. So technically speaking, diplomacy is involved. Now, as for negotiations, this is much more difficult to achieve, but it happens. Often this unfolds over several turns, and can be delayed or disrupted by the "I'll take it/You have it" dance over support into a territory.

Look, there is an inherent subtlety to communicating offers and requests and other intentions, and of course it doesn't look like negotiations - especially if players don't look at the orders entered for each turn. To succeed consistently at gunboat, there must be a constant awareness of what is going on around the board, and much analysis of what other players' moves indicate. Which of the other players are aware of the same things you are, and which are playing blind? You see a solo threat and you think you can stop it, but it will require you to move in a way that's sure to be seen as hostile by the nation in between. If he retaliates, he will erase your ability to stop the solo - which will then be guaranteed. How can you signal your intentions, when you don't have a unit to spare for a friendly green support hold? When you can't ask questions directly, but there is a clear awareness of communication by several players, it can be fascinating to see how coordination develops.

I'm not nearly enough of an authority to be writing so much - my words-to-experience ratio is getting dangerously high. I play full press and gunboat and love them both, though my preference is absolutely full press. I am not intending to be the gunboat standard bearer, I just see this argument a lot and hoped to help generate some further discussion. What it comes down to is that there are a wonderful variety of approaches to this most excellent game, and to each his own :)
I just created a gunboat game, to be played in the spirit of awareness and communication. Read the orders, decipher what's going on and develop common understanding with the other players.

It's Classic, 1-day phase, 20 D. WTA of course ;)

PM me if you'd like the ID and password.
jimgov (968 D)
15 May 13 UTC
I'm in. Come at me, suckers!
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
15 May 13 UTC
Looks like this will be semi-anon, so I might as well reveal I'm in too :) Never been a particularly good gunboater so this should be an interesting lesson...
Devonian (1887 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Dr. R,

I think the "other relations" part is referring to to the conduct of the government officials themselves, not the movement of their troops. Diplomats wine and dine the other diplomats, buy them gifts, pamper them, etc. These are not negotiations toward an agreement, they are the grease that makes the negotiations easier. In diplomacy, the game, this might be in the form of flattering an opponent. It is not possible to flatter an opponent in gunboat.

But, I do not want to discredit the skill required to be a successful gunboat "diplomat" (used loosely). There are subtle things that can be done to improve the odds of a gun-boater. I enjoy that challenge also.
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
15 May 13 UTC
I'm in, too.
Devonian, will you play? I will wine, dine, and buy you gifts, but I draw the line at pampering.

Thanks everyone for the interest, one game is going and another has been created.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
15 May 13 UTC
im in too :)
I could have handled the semi-anon aspect better. I'd just post a list of participants, but I have sent out several passwords, so I don't know who is in which game. I guess, for that matter, neither do you ;)
Devonian (1887 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Sure, why not. PM me the password.
Three spots remaining.

18 replies
Pimlico (1097 D)
13 May 13 UTC
abusive chat
What is the general rule on chat being offensive? How do we deal with it? I am involved in a game whee I have moved against a player expecting me to be his ally and he has come back with %** %**!!.
17 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent Variant
I figured I'd give a quick overview for those of you who are too lazy to read the variant description :D
26 replies
daboyz78 (1139 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Knowing each other/cooperating in an anonymous game
I am playing a game where the parties are meant to be anonymous and there have been moves that take careful coordination by two of the parties against me. Is there any way to look into this?
7 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
10 May 13 UTC
SCs neded to win
This is not a reference to any specific game, but I find it incredibly annoying that people do not check the SCs to win and continue to fight each other while someone else conquers easily.
27 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
14 May 13 UTC
Sorry to complain again about this thing, but I still believe that the 1v1s should not be on the same ranking scheme as normal games.
17 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 May 13 UTC
So inspiring...
I'm the last one for sure to view this vid from Commander Chris Hadfield, but if someone else really missed this gem on youtube check out this link:
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
13 May 13 UTC
I'm a married man!
Just a couple photos because I didn't take any, I stole a couple off Instagram and Facebook but I don't mind sharing a few photos from my special day! This week we fly to Spain!!! Friday!!! Anyways, if someone wouldn't mind sharing on webdip that'd be great!
15 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Take over from Civil Disorder thread
I wonder if the system can be put in condition to append an automatic message each time a country goes in Civil Disorder, displaying gameID, country, previous player (questionable).
That would shorten the distance between supply and demand and would help filling open positions in time…at least the playable ones.
10 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
12 May 13 UTC
A Kind (And Brave) Soul Needed
Need someone to fill in as Austria, gameID=14112
c'mon guys, do it for poor Balkan...
1 reply
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
10 May 13 UTC
Phantom Variant Idea
I thought of this idea the other day that I was thinking could make an interesting variant if it is actually possible. Part of this idea is based off the idea of having units with different strengths like in the Pirates variant. More information below:
21 replies
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
12 May 13 UTC
Temporary sitter required for a WWIV games

3 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
11 May 13 UTC
gameID=12532: Glitch Alert for Oli!
BIO can't move to SNT, VAL or MDZ, but can support all three. Also PIT can't convoy to VAL, ATA, or ARQ (I had a fleet in CHB for that purpose). I believe the game has a major glitch. Am I right, or was it the loaner computer I was using being dysfunctional (a distinct possibility)?
1 reply
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
10 May 13 UTC
Major glitch in WWIV game.
I'm Oceania. BIO will not move to MDZ, SNT or VAL, yet it can support all three. Also, my army in PIT can not or will not convoy to ARQ, ATA or VAL. As Oceania all my best laid plans are now FUBAR.
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
10 May 13 UTC
Humor is good for the soul
In the need for a quick little laugh? This thread should be able to brighten up your day! Post funny videos and pictures here:

Ill go first:
5 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Copyright infringement?
Does the Haven variant infringe copyrights?
19 replies
yaaks (1157 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Oli, you put in a lot of time into moderating the site.
Why don't you ever play any games?
6 replies
General Cool (978 D)
08 May 13 UTC
If you try to cut a support hold by convoying a unit, and the convoy fails... Will you still cut support?
6 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
30 Apr 13 UTC
New Feature Request: Mark as Unread
So many times I'll be on my phone and will click an envelope to read the game message, but it will require an involved answer and I'll sometimes forget to reply because I forget about the message. What about a way to click something to make the envelope stay on that country's tab? Kind of like marking something as unread in Gmail.

44 replies
Geronimo (1195 D)
06 May 13 UTC
How do you know
In a game with anonymous players. Global press says a certain player has been banned for something. How do we know what country or countries he was controlling?
3 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
07 May 13 UTC
Bon Jovi Moment
"Whoah, we're half way there. Whoah! Living on a prayer!"

Need just 3 more players for Youngstown WW2 game:
4 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
05 May 13 UTC
Feature Disappearance
I've noticed new features usually show up with an announcement and much fanfare, but some features disappear without so much as a whimper...
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Apr 13 UTC
Anon World Game - Join Now!
If you are sick of people carrying over relationships in World games, this is the game for you. Nice and pure. Win with your talent: gameID=13778
12 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 May 13 UTC
Game Takeover
I need a willing volunteer to take over a game for me. Its not the best situation, but not the worst.

gameID=12086 it will be as cuba.
0 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
04 May 13 UTC
Sitter needed!
My parents just told me we are going to drive to Latvia for four days from this Thursday on, so I need one or several sitters for the games i can't get extended...
4 replies
Schnormann (862 D)
04 May 13 UTC
Shameless advertisement for a youngstown WWII game
It´s called Total War! with a bet of 10 D.

2 days per phase, 3 more players needed.
6 replies
Spanish Dip
I know there are some players her who play on the Spanish site as well. Does anyone know what is going on with the board? I haven't been able to access it since early yesterday.
10 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Apr 13 UTC
How to bypass being banned on webdip
Sandgoose here just here to give you a couple quick tips and strategies in case you ever get banned on webdiplomacy. As I have not yet been caught, please accept this rather expensive method to not get caught:
63 replies
Yuul (1178 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Can't input orders
I am in a game, can't say which as its Anonymous, and it has the double exclamation points telling me to input orders and I go to the game, and it says at the bottom "You have no orders to fill for this phase." Yet it is Autumn, and everything else is indicating I do. What's up?
10 replies
theemperor000 (1040 D)
03 May 13 UTC
Classic game?
Any interest in just playing a regular ol' classic game? gameID=14083
0 replies
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