Finished: 03 AM Wed 12 Sep 12 UTC
Air Force-2
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Tyran (1361 D)

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12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Good luck!
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Good luck
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: GameMaster: Austria voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Oops
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1906: Ha nice move supporting me into con :p
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1906: Thanks!
12 Sep 12 UTC But I guess it's over.
12 Sep 12 UTC Probably. Good game :) its mostly just luck of the draw with countries in these 1v1s some countries are just superior to their counterpart. Austria has Russia turkey Italy and parts of Germany withing reach as well as the Balkans.
12 Sep 12 UTC Within*
12 Sep 12 UTC Well, but I had never lost with France! This time I've tried a different approach and it didn't work. Well played!
12 Sep 12 UTC If you ever want to 1v1 again pm me or post somewhere :) I'm getting off for the night so I'll seeya around.
12 Sep 12 UTC And I've played this twice as austria and dominated both times.