Finished: Sun 01 PM UTC
Private Race to Skåne
5 minutes /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1076, Finished
1066 (V3.0), Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Juustoaivo (936 D)

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Chat archive


05 May 24 UTC Spring, 1065: (Commander Torrkulla): Can we nuke Unije?
05 May 24 UTC Spring, 1066: It went to Unije!
05 May 24 UTC Spring, 1066: Unije is the real enemy!
05 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1066: Does anyone wanna team up against Unije?
05 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1067: Let's attack Unije instead of building!
05 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1068: GameMaster: Norwegians voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
05 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1069: GameMaster: English voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
05 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1069: GameMaster: Norwegians voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
Sun 12 PM UTC Autumn, 1069: Pls nuke Unije
Sun 12 PM UTC Autumn, 1069: No
Sun 12 PM UTC Spring, 1071: Snart ska danskjävlarna få stryk
Sun 12 PM UTC Autumn, 1073: Dannnebrogen
Sun 12 PM UTC Autumn, 1074: Pls nuke Oxford
Sun 12 PM UTC Spring, 1075: Pls nuke Oxford university
Sun 12 PM UTC Spring, 1075: Nike Oslo