Finished: 02 AM Mon 11 Apr 22 UTC
Fog of Hastings
12 hours /phase
Pot: 6 D - Autumn, 1069, Finished
1066 (V3.0), Anon, WTA, noProcess:Sat
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by General Treanor (784 D)

< Return


Autumn, 1069

Large map: Large map

Spring, 1069

Large map: Large map

Autumn, 1068

Large map: Large map

Spring, 1068

Large map: Large map

Autumn, 1067

Large map: Large map

Spring, 1067

Large map: Large map

Autumn, 1066

Large map: Large map

Spring, 1066

Large map: Large map

Autumn, 1065

Large map: Large map

Spring, 1065

Large map: Large map