Finished: 02 AM Tue 28 Jul 20 UTC
Private The True Cali Dude
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Stinky Will (734 D)

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Chat archive


21 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1903: wait why cant my ship hop the southern coast?
21 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1903: In Bulgaria?

If so, you need to go through Constantinople as there exists a large land border between Bulgaria and Constantinople on this map.
21 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1903: i thought you could travel from one coast to the other. that would take only one turn.
21 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1903: Yeah you can on certain coasts. But in Bulgaria, on this map, there is the land border with constantinople in the way.

Imagine putting that fleet on a truck to move it from Bulgaria's East Coast to it's South Coast, warships are too big to do this in the midst of Total War
21 Jul 20 UTC Autumn, 1903: Did you accidentally press ready without being ready? lol
22 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1904: yeah haha