Finished: 06 PM Sat 04 Jul 20 UTC
No chat just fun 73
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 70 D - Autumn, 1919, Finished
Classic - 1897, No messaging, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by rannjohnson (1794 D)

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27 May 20 UTC Spring, 1909: GameMaster: Russia voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
03 Jul 20 UTC GG everyone! Well played from everyone. I think if France had pulled its Mediterranean fleets back, you may have been able to hold me off. But it was hard to tell if Turkey was attacking aggressively or to try and push through to help.
03 Jul 20 UTC Congratulation.
I played bad this game. Most of the game I was equal to Germany but then I had some bad ideas. Especially not to destroy the army in Slesia. After this fault I just want to help Italy. I made the errors so I decided that I have to loose.
Good alliance Italy.
03 Jul 20 UTC Congrats, German.
03 Jul 20 UTC For long, I wondered why France didn't start pulling her fleets back. It made sense in the mid-game as my fleets could pose a threat to France later on if he didn't protect Italy. But in the endgame I wouldn't even attack Italy as a combined defence against Germany was necessary. Even if I attacked Italy, France would lose before I could be a threat to him. France needed to secure the defence of Mid-Atlantic Ocean by pulling back, and also secure his defences bordering Germany in especially Burgundy. France had the capability to delay the Germans for a long time even without help. but in my opinion those choices led to this victory by Germany.

Also, I have to say that Russia moved against Germany rather late, the ove could have been done a lot more earlier, especially when France charged in to Ruhr and it was outnumbered 2-3. Saint Petersburg was also ripe for taking for a long time and the move there happened rather late. But I acknowledge that Russia probably wasn't able to trust me or Italy enough to actually do these moves, and those suspicions weren't entirely unfounded.
03 Jul 20 UTC Also, it was really funny in the last turns where me and Italy was unable to coordinate properly when moving to Tyrrhenian sea for 3 consecutive turns :D .
03 Jul 20 UTC Anyways, gg everyone and congrats to Germany
03 Jul 20 UTC Turkey you could have backed off Armenia to signal an awareness that I’d have to cover the north, or to allow me to make a play on St. Pete.

Congrats rj, solid win.
03 Jul 20 UTC Good game, Germany. Turkey, I understand your frustrations. My assumption, and maybe France’s, was that you would grab whatever SCs you could. It took me a while to feel confident that you were actually wanting to help. This is probably due to the number of times I have been picked apart by scavengers who were unwilling to help stop a solo. I can’t explain why they do that, but short-sightedness is unfortunately too common. But it was good to play with all of you.