Finished: 01 AM Sun 16 Feb 20 UTC
Teapots and Tambourines
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 1890, Finished
Colonial 1885, No messaging, Anon, WTA
2 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by rannjohnson (1734 D)

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30 Jan 20 UTC Spring, 1888: GameMaster: Holland voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
14 Feb 20 UTC GameMaster: Russia voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
14 Feb 20 UTC Oof. Well played, Britain. A little overpowered in gunboat.
14 Feb 20 UTC GG everyone. Yeah I agree with that statement a little. France was also a little too nice to me at the beginning. It did allow both of us to grow, but then he left himself too open to me.
14 Feb 20 UTC I've seen Britain get taken apart in this game, but that does require attacks from her neighbours...

Nevertheless, very well done, Britain, to race to the finish line so quickly.
14 Feb 20 UTC At the start I thought it was a PPSC, so didn't care about a solo as long I was growing, it wasn't until after GB betrayed me that I realised I had got it wrong. I also put far too much faith in GB, thought we were allies, oh well.

Congrats GB, deserved it.
14 Feb 20 UTC I'd just like to say, why the hell did no one fight Britain? Like, there was no resistance or any real attempt to stop them at all. Come on guys
14 Feb 20 UTC Some people did try, but them like yourself China didn't resist me too much because you/they were having to fight elsewhere. So you can't really blame them. That just happens sometimes in gunboat.
14 Feb 20 UTC I took Aden and Oman from him ,not much else I could do on my own ...
14 Feb 20 UTC To be honest it's mostly my fault, if I had realised what was happening a bit sooner then maybe I could've stalled GB long enough for others to join in.
14 Feb 20 UTC France not attacking me helped me get off to a strong start, but there were a few other little things that helped me.

1.) Germany wanted to be friendly with me in Africa which allowed me to knock him out of there fairly easily. Although he couldn't have held on to it for long anyways.
2.) Autumn 1887 was the biggest turning point for me in Africa. Holland allowed me to take Bechuanaland instead of just support holding himself. From there it was fairly easy to eliminate him in South Africa.
3.) Russia having a fleet in St.P south coast and having his Warsaw and Moscow units sit idle instead of trying to put pressure on my in Scandinavia.

But really overall I was just lucky everyone was busy fighting each other.
15 Feb 20 UTC Yeah, I got stuck fighting both the Soviets and you immediately, couldn't focus either direction so ended up just stucl