Finished: 10 PM Tue 10 Sep 19 UTC
Coffee and More
20 hours /phase
Pot: 132 D - Autumn, 2031, Finished
Africa, No messaging, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Tulkas (2271 D)

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01 Aug 19 UTC Autumn, 2014: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Morocco replacing "HailCaesar". Reconsider your alliances.
19 Aug 19 UTC Autumn, 2022: GameMaster: Morocco voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
10 Sep 19 UTC GG everyone. Congrats, Tulkas, good job. After our good cooperation I expected a draw, that's why I didn't build more fleets and kept fighting Morocco in the north, but just when thing were going well in the west you decided to go for the solo and my lack of fleets caused a difficult defense for me in the Atlantic.
Thanks, Bobby for a good fight first and for your cooperation later on. I needed your fleets in the Atlantic but couldn't tell you. In a chat enabled game this solo never would have happened.
10 Sep 19 UTC Good game, all. Congrats, Tulkas. Held you up as long as I could, but you earned it well.
10 Sep 19 UTC That's true MAK. I check the SC required to win when I have nearly 30, before that moment I though it was 38 or something like that, and expect a 3 way draw. Apologieses.
10 Sep 19 UTC I still can’t believe DRC plowed through everybody like that.
10 Sep 19 UTC Good game, well played Tulkas!

Quite frustrating to not being able to communicate other than through moves. But we got there MAK, albeit a bit to late.

I messed up when I sent my fleet to Khar (WC). Made any progress southward impossible. My role was very limited after that.